Editing of data in the object-table to sync in memory and not DB.

This is possible by making use of LocalDB. You can make a local mirror of the objects and bind them to the object-table instead for editing.

In the view xml:

<var name="local_data_set" type="array:data_object" />
<var name="db_data_set" type="array:data_object" />

<object-table label="Nice Table" query="local_data_set" empty-message="Your items will appear here">
        <column heading="Name" display="{name}">
            <edit-text value="$object.name" on-change="$: updateValue($object, newValue, 'name')" />

In the JavaScript:

function init() {
    view.db_data_set = DB.data_object.toArray();
    view.local_data_set = view.db_data_set.map(function(item) {
       var local_copy = LocalDB.data_object.create(item); //set all the enumerable fields

         local_copy[field_name + '_id'] = item[field_name + '_id']; //copy all belongs_to_id fields

       return local_copy;

function updateValue(record, new_value, field_name) {
   record[field_name] = new_value;
   //the save is optional depending on the use case

function persistToDB() {
  var batch = new DB.Batch();

  view.local_data_set.forEach(function(local_item, index){
    var db_item = view.db_dataset[index];

         db_item[field_name + '_id'] = local_item[field_name + '_id']; //copy all belongs_to_id fields



Be sure to clear the LocalDB periodically to avoid a large build up of objects.

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