How do I sort or filter an object-table component programmatically?
It is reasonably easy to sort and filter an object-table programmatically. In fact you can set the entire state
of the object-table programmatically.
Essentially you have 2 options for doing this (state reference).
- Using the
directive to set the initialstate
of the object table when it loads for the first time (ie when the view loads).
In your view XML you can specify an init-state="someFunction"
directive for your object-table component and have the function return a valid state
object with the initial values you want your object table's state to have. Like so.
View XML
<object-table init-state="$:initState()" label="Select one to view details" query="tickets" empty-message="No recent field tickets" limit="10">
<column heading="Date">{date}</column>
<column filter="true" heading="Customer">{customer}</column>
<column filter="true" heading="Pad">{pad_name}</column>
<column heading="Well">{well_name}</column>
<column filter="true" heading="Rig">{rig}</column>
<column filter="true" heading="Ticket Status">{status}</column>
<column heading="Total">{ticket_total}</column>
View JS
function initState() {
// Sort by Descending Status - column 5, and descending date - column 0
// Filter for only 'Pending' and 'Complete' Status values - column 5
var state = {
sorting: [{key:"5","type":"desc"}, {key: "0", type:"desc"}],
// array of 'sorting' objects, applied in the order in which it is specified
// the value of 'key' is the 0-based 'index' of the column you want to apply the sort on
filters: {"5":{factory: "text", filters:{"Pending": true, "Complete": true}}}
// object of filter objects, specified per column index
return state;
- Using the
method to update the currentstate
of the object table. In order to use thesetState()
method you need to give yourobject-table
an ID so that you can reference it from your your view XML you can specify an directive for your object-table component and have the function return a validstate
object with the initial values you want your object table's state to have. Like so.
View XML
<object-table id="table-1" init-state="$:initState()" on-state-change="$:tableStateChange($state)" label="Select one to view details" query="tickets" empty-message="No recent field tickets" limit="10">
<column heading="Date">{date}</column>
<column filter="true" heading="Customer">{customer}</column>
<column filter="true" heading="Pad">{pad_name}</column>
<column heading="Well">{well_name}</column>
<column filter="true" heading="Rig">{rig}</column>
<column filter="true" heading="Ticket Status">{status}</column>
<column heading="Total">{ticket_total}</column>
<button label="Reset State to Default" on-press="defaultState" validate="false" style="solid" />
View JS
function defaultState() {
var newState = {
sorting: [{key:"5",type:"desc"}, {key: "0", type:"desc"}],
filters: {"5":{factory: "text", filters:{"Pending": true}}},
search: "Hilc"
component.objectTable({ id: "table-1" }).setState(newState); // setState merges the current state with the 'state' object you pass into the method
To clear/reset the state
of your object-table take a look at this question.
In general, to help understand how to work with the state
of an object-table, it is quite useful to log the state
and see how it changes depending on how interact with the object-table in the UI. Like so.
View XML
<object-table on-state-change="$:tableStateChange($state)" label="Select one to view details" query="tickets" empty-message="No recent field tickets" limit="10">
function tableStateChange(state){
It looks like you may have inadvertently added quotes around the first “type” in the sorting JavaScript.
sorting: [{key:“5”,“type”:“desc”}, {key: “0”, type:“desc”}],