I am trying to zip a mp3 file which is downloaded from a url.
I added the jszip npm package and the @types/jszip package via the OXIDE action to my CloudCode task.
When I test the task the following error is shown:
"status": 500,
"description": "CloudCode deploy invocation failed",
"details": "CLOUDCODE/BUILD/BUILD_FAILED [download:1.11.2]: node_modules/jszip/index.d.ts(33,11): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Blob'.\nnode_modules/jszip/index.d.ts(45,11): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Blob'.",
"trace_id": "9bf860a57c5a928527ac99800309f8b1",
"severity": "info",
"origin": "CLOUD_CODE"
How can I resolve this error?