What are good delimiters for displaying multiple fields and relationship data in this tag?
This depends on your personal preference and what you are trying to achieve, here is a good example of one that uses : and -:
<display>{date} - (300ml) EA : {drinkage_bottle_total} (Tab) EA : {drinkage_litre_total} </display>
Where is the data I enter here exposed to the developer?
See my answer below
Where is the data I enter here exposed to the end-user?
There are three areas where the display values are exposed:
Back-end data browser: The display names are used to populate the display values for each row of a selected object as well as the display name for belongs-to relationships.
Editor: The developer can access the display value of an object using the .toString() method.
App: By default, the display name is used in view components if the object is referenced directly. Examples include the object-dropdown and object-table component.