How do I go about enrolling my app on a RealWear device?
Hi Fred
Enrolling on RealWear (RW) is simple enough. You just need to do the following
- Install the JourneyApps APK for RW on your RW device.
1.1 The easiest way is by using RealWear Explorer. Connect your RW device to your computer and then drag the JourneyApps APK onto the RealWear Explorer interface to install it on your device
- Open the JourneyApps App / Container on your RW device
- Choose a login mechanism that is easiest for you
3.1 We suggest using enrollment QR codes on RW as this is easier that speaking / typing a username and password
3.2 Have a look at our Javascript RW Safety Suite template app for an example of how to enroll on RW by using a device that is already enrolled in your app.
Here is a link to a walkthrough video showing you how to do this.